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History is studied by all pupils in Upper 3- Upper 4, it is then offered as an option to be chosen at GCSE and A-Level. 


In Upper Three, Lower Four and Upper Four, we encourage a chronological awareness of the last 1000 years of history, beginning with the Norman Conquest in Upper 3, moving to the Tudors and Stuarts in Lower 4 and the First World War and Votes for Women in Upper 4.

The topics are introduced through a variety of teaching strategies using One Note and Teams.  The pupils are assessed (high stakes assessments) at mid year, at the end of the academic year and throughout by written assignments and short tests (low stakes assessments). 

Our aim is, after studying History at KS3, that pupils are aware of the major events that have shaped the world we live in, understand the relevance of History to their modern lives, and develop transferable skills such as analysis, evaluation and empathy. 


For GCSE, we follow AQA syllabus (8145).  

The course is made up of four units and assessed through two examinations at the end of Upper Five, each with equal weighting. 

Paper One: Understanding the Modern World. The pupils study: Germany: Democracy and Dictatorship, 1890-1945 & Conflict and Tension, 1918-1939. 

Paper Two:  Shaping the Nation. The pupils study: British Health and the People, c1000-present and Elizabethan England, c1568-1603. 


For A Level, we follow AQA syllabus (7042). 

The course is made up of three components. 

Component One:  Tudors, England, 1485-1603.  This paper is worth 40% of the course, is taught and externally examined at the end of Upper 6. 

Component Two:  The American Dream, Reality and Illusion, 1945-1980.  This paper is worth 40% of the course, is taught and externally examined at the end of Upper 6. 

Component Three: Historical Investigation. This is the coursework element.  An independent study of 4500 words.  based on a question in the context of approximately 100 years.  Any historical period can be chosen provided it does not duplicate the content of Components 1 and 2.  This unit is assessed internally then moderated externally by the exam board. 


Further details about the History curriculum offered at Westfield are available from the History subject lead. 


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