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A wide range of subjects is taught by specialists.

Initially, all girls have lessons in the traditional academic core subjects, in English Language and Literature, Mathematics, Geography, History, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, French and Spanish, as well as in Music, Art, Drama, Food and Nutrition, Religious Studies, PE and ICT. 

Girls are encouraged to aim for breadth in their choice of subjects at GCSE level: Music, Fine Art, Graphic Design, Textiles, Food and Nutrition, ICT and Business Studies, Chemistry, Biology, Physics or Double Award Science, Geography, History, Drama and Theatre Studies, Philosophy and Ethics and Physical Education are available in addition to a choice of foreign languages, including French, German and Spanish. 

Religious Studies

The school is Christian in outlook and welcomes girls of all faiths. Everyone is expected to attend morning assembly and to play an active part in planning and taking services from time to time. Girls attend Religious Studies lessons and the subject is a popular option for GCSE and A level.

Additional Learning Support

Working across both Junior House and Senior House, the Additional Learning Support department provides purposeful care and guidance to students throughout their time at Westfield. The highly skilled ALS team offer in-class provision, small group intervention and one-to-one support, always designed around the unique and individual needs of our pupils' academic and emotional wellbeing. Whether it is providing increased challenge or extra assistance, the pupil centred approach of ALS is at the heart of Westfield's aspirational and nurturing environment.


 Pupils receive Careers Education from Year 7 as part of their PSHE curriculum. 

Westfield’s Careers programme provides personalised and detailed guidance about potential future pathways. In addition to dedicated Careers lessons, each area of the Senior House curriculum has a focus on employability and transferrable skills which we are proud to showcase during National Careers Week each year. Our enriching stretch and challenge initiatives, plus the many opportunities for leadership and development available, mean that our young people are consistently developing the qualities and attributes needed to succeed in the rapidly changing and increasingly competitive world of work. 

At Key Stage 4 this area is designed to help build upon the strengths, weaknesses and the values identified when choosing GCSE subjects.  The aim is to lay sound foundations for both  post-16 and Higher Education choices.  Pupils will have one careers lesson per fortnight. 

Career lessons allow pupils to consider the requirements of the world of work and equip them with the skills to make their career investigations and future applications.  We have a range of careers resources, computer packages and post-16 education guidance to explore possible career paths. 

In Year 10, students complete career questionnaires which will provide them with an objective personal profile highlighting strengths, weaknesses and aptitudes and suggesting possible careers to be considered and explored further. 

In Sixth Form, we offer a tailored programme of Post-18 planning and support that is a natural extension of the careers guidance offered throughout Senior House. Our highly experienced Sixth Form tutor team support students in acquiring the bespoke knowledge they need to make the right decision for their future. We recognise each of our learners’ unique ambitions and, as such, we make sure that all students have access to expert speakers, apprenticeship workshops, university open days, one-to-one support and CV and interview guidance. In the Summer term of Lower 6 we hold a Post-18 Information Evening which coincides with the UCAS Discovery event – a fantastic opportunity for students to speak directly a huge range of universities, apprenticeship providers and employers. Whether our highly successful leavers choose to take on an apprenticeship, continue their education at university or enter employment they are thoroughly prepared for progression.  

STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.

As part of our commitment to encourage pupils to pursue interesting and exciting careers once they leave Westfield, we run a STEM programme in school.  There is expected to be a huge growth in STEM careers over the next few years, with 58% of new jobs expected to be in STEM related disciplines. STEM graduates and apprentices are likely to have better job prospects and earn higher salaries than other graduates.  We want to ensure that our pupils are able to take advantage of this by making the right choices at A-level and beyond.  We would like to encourage our pupils to have the confidence to move away from stereotypes and to become a  'new generation of women in STEM'.  

The latest from Westfield School

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Community Spirit Award

Community Spirit Award

We were delighted to be nominated for and awarded a St Oswald's 'Community Spirit' achievement. The red carpet ceremony took place at The Grand Hotel, Gosforth Park on Wednesday 12th February.Westfie...

Feb 24

Spring Half Term

Term dates