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A wide range of subjects is taught by specialists.

Girls Senior School (11 -16 Years)

Girls enter Senior House from our own Junior House and also a range of other schools at both 11+ and 13+. We are looking for girls who will benefit from a holistic approach to education, where grades are important but development of the body, mind and spirit is in balance. Girls at Westfield have a range of different strengths: academic, sporting, entrepreneurial, creative. We do not seek to mould a standard 'Westfield girl' but to provide the opportunities for each individual to flourish.

At Westfield we aim to ensure that each girl achieves the highest degree of academic success of which she is capable. For the majority of girls this will mean nine or ten passes in the 9-4 (A*-C) range of the GCSE.


Girls Senior School Newcastle

Girls who would probably achieve less in larger and more impersonal schools do very well at Westfield where skilled teaching is allied to an extremely favourable pupil teacher ratio, with class size normally between 10 and 20 pupils and smaller groups for AS and A level.

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Community Spirit Award

Community Spirit Award

We were delighted to be nominated for and awarded a St Oswald's 'Community Spirit' achievement. The red carpet ceremony took place at The Grand Hotel, Gosforth Park on Wednesday 12th February.Westfie...

Apr 10

Spring Term ends

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