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We are dedicated to supporting our Sixth Formers in making the best possible start to their post-16 studies

Sixth Form Open Evening
Held each November, our Open Evening is a fantastic opportunity to hear from current students about just how special our Sixth Form is. In addition to this, our dedicated subject staff are on hand to discuss the details of the many courses available at Westfield. 

Sixth Form Experience
This is your chance to be Sixth Formers for the day; you will be able to sample a range of lessons as well as having the chance to settle into the common room. This is a great chance to talk to current Sixth Formers about their subject choices and the many benefits of staying at Westfield.


Post-18 Prep
This new initiative will help you get ahead of the game when it comes to making post-18 applications, whether for university, apprenticeships or the world of work. You will have the chance to explore all kinds of super-curricular opportunities, based on your own interests, that will improve your academic understanding and help you get ready for the independence Sixth Form study requires.

Personalised Post-16 Consultations
At Westfield we recognise you as individuals and, as such, we know that you each deserve a unique Sixth Form experience. These consultations will be a chance to reflect on your GCSE mocks and to discuss the choices that will best suit you in Sixth Form, assisting you in planning a pathway that will help you achieve your potential.

"There is no need to be worried about starting Sixth Form life; if you are finding the prospect a little daunting, then Westfield might just be the perfect place for you. You will settle in no time and be amazed to discover qualities about yourself you probably didn’t even know you had. With everything Westfield offers, the Sixth Form could easily be the best two years in school you will ever have. You get to have increased freedom, a really good time and form lifelong friendships whilst gathering all the skills and knowledge to give yourself the best opportunity for life after school."



The latest from Westfield School

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Community Spirit Award

Community Spirit Award

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