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At Westfield, we are pleased to provide a diverse range of enrichment opportunities for all our Sixth Form students

There is a wealth of opportunities in the Sixth Form to enable girls to broaden their horizons. All of our Sixth Formers are encouraged to play a part in the wider school community, whether as representatives on the Sixth Form Leadership Team or through participating in one of the many enrichment activities on offer. 


Big Sister/Little Sister Mentoring Scheme
Coming to “big” school when you are 11 or to a new school when you are 12 or 13 can be quite daunting. All Lower 6 girls are paired up with one or two Upper 3 and/or new
entrants into Lower 4 in order to give them an older friend in school. The Sixth Form Leadership Team oversee the scheme and help you organise joint activities, such as lunchtime games, Christmas parties, bowling trips and Easter egg hunts. There will also be some training sessions with our school counsellor to help you develop your mentoring skills. Often the younger pupils feel more comfortable talking to a Sixth Former and you will have an important role in their school life; some of these friendships last a long time.

Community Service and Work Experience
Community service and work experience provides many benefits, giving you skills that will allow you to stand out to universities and potential employers. At Westfield we will support you in identifying and securing appropriate work experience for your interests, talents and future prospects.

Duke of Edinburgh
The Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme is a voluntary, noncompetitive programme of practical, cultural and adventurous activities, designed to support the personal and social
development of young people aged 14 - 25, regardless of gender, background or ability. It offers an individual challenge and encourages you to undertake exciting, constructive,
challenging and enjoyable activities in your free time. At Westfield we run the Gold programme in conjunction with NSB.

With a diverse and ever-changing range of clubs and activities on offer you will be sure to find something to suit your interests. Duke of Edinburgh and UNESCO are particularly popular and from sports to politics to musical theatre, we expect all of our Sixth Formers to take part both as members and as leaders. If there is something you think is missing from our extra-curricular offer, we encourage you to set up and run your own club or society.

Financial Capability
Leaving school and starting to live independently brings many challenges as you need to learn to juggle the many bills which have to be paid as well as dealing with banks, utility bills and mobile phone companies – often for the first time. During tutorial time, we will endeavour to equip you with the financial skills you will need to manage your own finances whilst at university and beyond.

Physical Education
Health and well-being plays an important part in school life and, in the Sixth Form, weekly games lessons are tailored to the needs of the girls. Activities range from recreational sports to competitive ones and we encourage all girls to participate in
extra-curricular sports clubs and teams, either as players or coaches. In addition to scheduled games lessons, our Sixth Formers can also still enjoy the benefits of our amazing Forest School provision.

Tycoon 2K
Tycoon 2K is a unique national enterprise competition offered to all our Sixth Form students. It was set up by entrepreneur Peter Jones, from Dragons’ Den, to support schools in encouraging students to run their own enterprises. Each team
taking part writes a business plan, is lent money, starts a business and competes with other student companies around the country, in a safe and controlled environment. Westfield has a strong record of success in enterprise competitions like Young Enterprise and this is continuing with Tycoon 2K.


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