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With the help and support of parents and members of staff, the PTA organises a number of social events throughout the year to both encourage a fully-inclusive Westfield community and raise additional funds for the girls.

In addition to supporting school based events like the Macmillan Coffee Morning and Open Days - the PTA runs a series of events like

Quiz Night 

Bonfire Night

Junior House Christmas Fayre 



A bit more about the Westfield PTA

In the past the PTA has provided funds for a school minibus, shelving and fittings for the Senior House library, computers for the Art Room, a new sound system for the main hall as well as outdoor play equipment for Junior House, a selection of musical instruments and many other items.  New Committee members are always very welcome to join. Please contact the school office for more details.

Some of the most recent items the school has benefited from thanks to PTA funding include:

New signage outside Senior House

Digital piano for Music

High jump equipment






high jump





If you would like to know more about the Westfield Association, please contact the school office for further information.  0191 255 3980.


summer gala 2gala 2

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