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As a relatively young school, Westfield School does not have any endowments to draw on. All development and refurbishment is funded from fee income and philanthropic support. We are ambitious for the girls and want them to have the facilities they need and deserve. We rely on the support of the Westfield community to ensure Westfield’s continuity as a model of all that is best about an independent, girls’ school education.


If you would like to make a single or regular donation, please download and complete a Gift Form or for further information, please call Joe Leese on 0191 255 3981 or email: 

See also our Donor Charter 


Ways of Giving

All gifts, irrespective of size, are essential in helping us to achieve our long-term vision for the school. Single gifts can have an immediate impact on fundraising for capital campaigns, while regular gifts help us to plan ahead for the future knowing that we have a steady income stream to rely on. There are many ways in which to make a gift.

By Direct Bank Transfer - If you would like to make a donation by direct bank transfer, please complete the Gift Form and make the payment to:


Westfield School

Barclays Bank PLC

Acc No: 00659371

Sort Code: 20-59-42

IBAN: GB66 BARC 2059 4200 659371

BIC Address: BARCGB22


By Cheque - If you would like to donate by cheque please complete the Gift Form making the cheque payable to ‘Westfield School’ and return to:


The Bursar

Westfield School

Oakfield Road


Newcastle Upon Tyne



By Standing Order - If you would like to set up a regular gift via standing order on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis, please complete the Gift Form and return to:


The Bursar

Westfield School

Oakfield Road


Newcastle Upon Tyne



Tax Efficient Giving - Westfield is a registered charity (charity number 528143) which means there are many ways in which to make your gift go further. If you are a UK taxpayer you can enhance your gift to the school by allowing us to claim back Gift Aid on your donation. Gift Aid is an invaluable source of 'additional' income allowing us to reclaim 25p on every £1 donated, at no extra cost to you. If you would like to Gift Aid your donation, please complete and sign the relevant section of the Gift Form.


Higher rate tax payers donating through Gift Aid can claim further tax relief via their self-assessment tax return.


Matched Giving - Many companies help charities through a matched giving scheme. Some will match pound for pound, and others will double match any donations which its employees make to registered charities. Please check with your Payroll or HR department whether your company operates such a scheme as this could make your donation worth even more to us.


Leaving a Legacy

Westfield has benefited from a history of philanthropy. In 1962 parents and donors came together to purchase Oakfield House which has been the home to Senior House ever since. Since then many Old Girls, current and former parents, and teachers have supported the school, either during their lifetime or through leaving a legacy to Westfield in their will. 

We do understand that not everyone has the ability to make donations during their lifetime and a bequest may be an easier or more appropriate opportunity to make a significant contribution. As Westfield is a registered charity (charity number 528143), leaving a legacy in your Will is tax-efficient; all legacies to charities are excluded from your Estate for both Inheritance and Capital Gains Tax.


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Community Spirit Award

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