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On Saturday 18th September 2023, we were delighted guests to our Old Girls Reunion. We hosted a lovely reception with canapes and we were joined with alumni who travelled from far and wide.

It was a lovely celebration especially as it brought together so many of us who have shared fond memories of school and finally get together in the Camellia Dining Room.

We maintain a good relationship with our alumni and we will continue to find ways to connect, whether it be via regular emails, sports fixtures (Westfield Old Girls netball continues to run a league), careers events and launches.

Our most recent connections include:

  • Career talk with former pupil Alice Leech who left in July 2015 and went to study Mechanical Engineering. Alice now works as an Operations Support Analyst for Boeing.
  • Lucy Winskell OBE who is also His Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of the County of Tyne and Wear. Lucy has been a great supporter of Westfield and it was lovely to welcome her to our tree planting ceremony for the Queens Green Canopy.
  • Q and A with Jessica Kilburn who recently launched her own book.


If you are a former pupil and would like to stay connected, please email


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