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Westfield to host International Conference - the 1st Junior Conference of it's kind

Westfield School hosts


‘Finding Friends and Facing Fears at Ford Castle’ Conference.

Westfield School, in Gosforth, is excited to host its very first junior conference called ‘Finding Friends and Facing Fears’. This is a unique opportunity for pupils aged from 10-11 from schools across the world to join girls from Westfield for a weekend of adventure. Ford Castle, in Northumberland, has been selected as the venue; in picturesque Berwick-upon-Tweed it will provide the ideal venue for the girls to get close to nature and achieve things they probably never knew were even possible.


Round Square is an international network of schools based on the educational concepts of Kurt Hahn, who was also instrumental in the development of the Duke of Edinburgh Award as well as being the main founder of Gordonstoun* School. Westfield is an elected member of the Round Square network and shares a commitment, beyond academic excellence, to personal development, responsibility and international understanding through service, challenge and adventure.  


“I am looking forward to hosting our school’s first junior international conference and seeing how pupils from all over the world work together to solve problems, overcome fears and forge lifelong friendships, all through the medium of adventure. There are schools attending from India, Peru, Columbia, America as well as the UK. Our girls are really lucky to have this opportunity.” Miss Nicky Baguley, Round Square Representative for Adventure and Internationalism.


Westfield already competes in the Round Square Adventure Race each year; this is a weekend competition for Year 10 students and the principles are the same, with activities that  include climbing, bike orienteering, night navigating, open water swimming, canoeing and a mountain race. It is designed to challenge the girls and compete against other Round Square schools.

Under the guidance of Miss Baguley,  the girls learn new life skills and overcome fears that they may not have faced prior to this opportunity.   Last year, Charlotte S (now in Y11) learnt how to ride a bike just in time to compete in the adventure race and Kate H who had never swam in a lake before went in, well prepared, and was really pleased to have completed the race.


Over 100 girls from around the world are expected to join Westfield at Ford Castle on Friday 7th June. For more information please contact the school on or call 0191 255 3980


* Gordonstoun is also famous for educating several members of the Royal Family.

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