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Tackling 'Hate Crime'

ple learning difficulties.

The whole of Westfield are doing their bit to help Hadrian School, a school in Newcastle that caters for children that need additional help. Some of the children's needs can be quite complex.

Hadrian School was recently at the recieving end of a horrific vandalism attack where hundreds of pounds worth of toys and equipment including their minibus was damaged.  The language used on the grafitti was definitely aimed at the children and families.   Well known celebritities such as Alan Shearer and the BBC's Steph McGovern have donated money towards the school

Hate crimes are on the increase - the statistics are worrying. The government is raising awareness that it is a crime to abuse people in this way.

If you target anyone with verbal, online or physical abuse because of their religion, race, sexual orientation, disability or transgender identity you may be committing a hate crime. It’s not just offensive,  it’s an offence.’


Today, our U5 (Y11) girls held a cake sale at break time to raise money for Hadrian school.  In addition, they have created a beautiful 'friendship picture' using their hands and they are planning to hand it to Hadrian School at the end of this week.

U5's message to Hadrian School is as follows:

'We saw the BBC video on what happened to your school in April and we wanted to send you a message of support. This wreath represents each one of us extending a 'hand of friendship' to all of the children at Hadrian School'.