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Special Guest at Prize Giving

We look forward to welcoming record-breaking rower Claire Hughes to our annual 'Prize Giving Evening' on Thursday 27th June.

Claire Hughes is part of Team Tyne Innovation who completed the 'Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge' - known as 'The World's Toughest Row' in January of this year.

Claire was the only woman in a team of 4 and completed the 3000 mile crossing of the Atlantic Ocean in 42 days 10 hours and 26 minutes, a new world record time for a mixed four.

This is an absolutely inspirational achievement, particularly as Claire had only taken up rowing six years ago. One day she was out cycling with a friend along the banks of the Tyne and took an interest when they passed Tyne Amateur Rowing ClubTyne Amateur Rowing Club's HQ at Newburn, the next minute she had joined the club. 

You can find out more about Claire and Team Tyne Innovation by clicking

Team Tyne Innovation



The annual prize giving ceremony takes place at All Saints' Church in Gosforth at 6pm on Thursday 27th June and celebrates the achievements of the whole school.





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