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Positive Affirmations - Mindfulness.  How to do it and why we do it.

How to start:

·        Choose a positive affirmation

·        Take deep breaths, breathe in through your nose, breathe out through your mouth

·        Feel your lungs fill up as your breathe in, feel your body sink as you breathe out


Relax your breathing to your normal breathing and begin to repeat a positive affirmation. You may do 1 or 2 in a cycle or focus on just one. Different affirmations will be useful at different times. Here are a few suggestions.

      I am my own superhero

      I am in charge of how I feel and today I am choosing happiness

      I am enough, I have enough, I do enough

      I have the power to create change

      My creativity has a purpose in my life and in the world

      I can, I will, Watch me

      I am kind, I am strong, I am beautiful

      I work hard and I know my worth

      There is something good in every day

If you find your thoughts wander, gently bring your attention back to your affirmation and continue. After 5 minutes, take a deep breath, have a gentle stretch and gently open your eyes.

Useful times to use:

·        Use in times of self-doubt to overcome the negativity and be more positive

·        Use daily to help overcome the negativity bias of your brain

·        Use regularly and have a stock few to repeat to boost your confidence

·        To have a bigger impact say out loud, then your brain hears the affirmation as well as saying it