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GCSE Results 2018

GCSE Results 2018

Following a fantastic set of A Level results last week where nearly 60% of our Y13 pupils achieved A*-B grades, we have plenty more to celebrate with our GCSE pupils who have achieved outstanding results.

42 % of all GCSE entries were awarded 9-7 (A*/A) . 

100 % of girls achieved 5+ 9-4 or A*-C grades

4 girls achieved 10 or more 9-7/A*/A grades including Aoife Devin who gained nine grade 9s plus an A^ in Further Maths (the grade above A*)

Headmaster, Mr Neil Walker said

‘The girls have achieved absolutely outstanding results, they have worked extremely hard over the last 2 years and I am so proud of what they have achieved together with the dedication and expertise of the staff; Westfield school has achieved great results year on year because of our ability to offer individual support from the moment the girls choose their options. It’s wonderful to see how busy our girls are outside their academic studies with some of them spending time in their summer break volunteering in conservation projects in Costa Rica!’


Aoife has been at Westfield since the start of Senior School and has achieved absolutely fantastic results which included Grade 9 in nine subjects, 1 grade eight and an A^ in Further Maths!

‘I was really nervous coming in this morning but I am so happy.   I’ve done much better than I thought.   I was completely shocked about some subjects but I am relieved.   I am going to stay on at Westfield and I am going to study Maths, Biology, Physics and Chemistry for A Level’

Maria Athena, who is also a national sailing champion, has also achieved fantastic results with 5 at grade nine, 1 at eight, 2 at grade five and 1 at grade 6.  ‘I am so happy with my results.  I did much better than I expected, especially in the science subjects’

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