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A Level Results 2023

Our congratulations go to all our Upper 6th leavers who have worked so diligently and consistently throughout their studies and achieved a 100% pass rate; 25% of all grades were A*-A and all our students are heading towards an exciting future.

 Headmaster Mr Neil Walker;

 “It is a wonderful testament to the girls’ hard work and determination that they have achieved a 100% pass rate this year.   Westfield is proud to be an academically non-selective school on entry and we enable all our girls to achieve their very best. This is exemplified by this year’s leavers who are going to a wide variety of destinations including Cambridge University; a prestigious apprenticeship at Sage; putting an engineering degree on hold to attend the London School of Musical Theatre and pursuing a degree in Real Estate management. It is through the dedication and support of our amazing teachers that our girls have the opportunity to successfully pursue their dreams.”

 Head of Sixth Form, Mrs Nicola McGowan

“I couldn’t be more proud of the success of this year’s Upper 6. With their GCSE year having been significantly disrupted by Covid, the girls came to this year’s exams in unique circumstances and their achievements are testament to their hard work. Against a challenging national backdrop of grade deflation and increased competition for university places, it is fantastic to see that the dedication of our students has been rewarded.  

 I’m also thrilled to see the range of next steps that are being taken and I know that whatever this brilliant group of young people go on to do, they will do so with positivity, resilience and a determination to succeed.    I wish them all the very best of luck as they move on from Westfield and I also would like to recognise the fantastic support the girls have had from their families and the teachers at Westfield in helping them to achieve their goals. Well done Upper 6!” 

Emily Megoran has achieved 3 A*s and is heading to Cambridge University to study English Literature.

“My A Level journey is unbelievable really.   I started Westfield in the middle of Year 12, at a time when I wasn’t even sure I could carry on at school, let alone study A Levels. I definitely took the right step in coming to Westfield; it’s as different as you can get from the school I came from. The teachers here, and the relationship I had with them, has definitely helped me get to where I am.”

 Emily Morton and Izzy Crowe have been at Westfield since Junior House. Emily is going to the University of Stirling to study Psychology and Izzy is heading to Hull to study Criminology and Sociology.

 Emily: “I am so happy about my results, especially with my A* in Art; I can finally now relax and just get myself ready to head up to Scotland.”

 Izzy: “I’ve been at Westfield since Year 5 and it’s like an extended family.   The teachers have really helped me increase my confidence and they have showed me how to express my creativity.

 Jess Gibson has secured a place at York University to study engineering but not before spending a year at the London School of Musical Theatre.

“I was always set on engineering but I’ve got a real passion for musical theatre.   I spoke to my teachers and found a way where I could do both.  I would say that the Sixth Form has been like a partnership between teachers and students;  we’ve worked together and I’ve come out with the results I wanted.”

 Nyasha Mandishona will be heading to the prestigious Sage headquarters in Gosforth to start her IT apprenticeship.

‘I really wasn’t sure what I wanted to do after school but I knew I wanted to do something in IT and I am excited about the concept of working, learning and earning on the job, especially as it’s at Sage”


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