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Mathematics and all aspects of language and literacy work continue to be a key focus and are vital to the study of other subjects. In Mathematics work is based on White Rose maths where we aim to produce assured, happy and resilient mathematicians who relish challenges.

They become independent, reflective thinkers, whose skills not only liberate them in maths but also support them across the curriculum.

Learning is based on developing concepts through a combination of practical, pictorial and abstract methods planned to suit the needs of the individual.

In English we aim to stimulate a love of literature through the study of a wide range and variety of texts while also developing a sound understanding and appreciation of the structure of our language. Use is made of a range of resources to gain a mastery of higher level reading skills and the essential writing skills as well as having opportunities to discuss and debate. Drama lessons are used across the curriculum and lead to small class production of plays and improvised stories as well as larger drama/music productions.

Science, History and Geography are increasingly taught as separate subjects as the children progress through Junior House though these are linked across the curriculum when appropriate. 

In Science and Technology we encourage curiosity and inventiveness through a problem solving approach as well as the acquisition and development of scientific skills, attitudes and knowledge. There is a strong environmental emphasis and educational visits and field trips extend the children's understanding of the world around them.

Computing is an integral part of the curriculum. The children are experienced in the use of ICT as a tool. All classrooms have networked PCs and classes also have timetabled access to Ipads and to an ICT suite.

French is taught throughout Junior House by a specialist teacher and children make rapid progress, learning initially through songs and games then progressing to the reading and writing of French text and an understanding of French culture.

In Art, a wide range of materials and techniques are used. The techniques taught include observational and imaginative drawing and painting, tie-dying, silk painting, paper making, plaster casting and clay work.

A high standard is consistently achieved in PE which includes gymnastics, athletics, dance, swimming and major games. Children compete at individual and group level in the House system as well as representing the school in outside events.

Many girls take part enthusiastically in a variety of clubs at lunchtime and after school; these include netball, athletics, tennis, football, gymnastics and running.

Each class at Westfield Junior House has its own form teacher but additional expertise is provided in the specialist areas of Music, PE, Games, Swimming and French.

We aim for excellence and high achievement in academic work but also place great emphasis on girls expressing themselves in a range of different ways and being able to follow their passions in a range of different subjects.

We consider that the development of self confidence and resilience are vital on the journey through the school and into the wider world and we aim to challenge and encourage each girl individually so that their potential is fully realised.


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Community Spirit Award

Community Spirit Award

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