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Key Stage 1 (5-7 years)

Year 1 allows children the opportunity to move seamlessly from more the play-based learning of Early Years into the slightly more formal teaching of Key Stage 1. Our broad based curriculum places much emphasis on literacy and numeracy with lively oral work engaging the interest of the children and encouraging their development of skills.

The children are taught to read in an enjoyable, stimulating but ordered way using primarily a phonics programme  but combining this with whole-word recognition and sentence building.

Children read and have experience in many different aspects of literacy every day, exploring and experimenting with sounds, words and texts and responding to and writing their own stories, songs, rhymes and poems as soon as they are able.

Mathematically, as during the preceding Foundation Stage, there is much practical work with emphasis on the further development of mathematical language, mental strategies and problem solving.  The children are taken at a challenging pace, yet with differentiated tasks enabling all to progress at a level suited to their needs. Our purpose is to develop confident, skilful mathematicians  who enjoy their subject.

Experience of their own environment is extended to the wider world through Science, Geography and History topics. A hands-on approach, a range of mulii-media in addition to several visits out of school are used to enrich the curriculum.

Singing and music marking activities are activities are an integral part of the curriculum as are gymnastics and games. French too is taught by a specialist teacher throughout Junior House, beginning in Early Years.

The pastoral aspects of the curriculum are seen as being as important as the academic ones. The children have weekly Religious Education lessons, based on the school's Christian ethos, but with insights into other religions and cultures. Circule Time, in which issues such as friendships and feelings are considered, is planned into the timetable on a regular basis.

The youngest children are encouraged to become increasingly independent, showing initiative and making choices. They take a full part in school life and valued for their contribution.

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Community Spirit Award

Community Spirit Award

We were delighted to be nominated for and awarded a St Oswald's 'Community Spirit' achievement. The red carpet ceremony took place at The Grand Hotel, Gosforth Park on Wednesday 12th February.Westfie...

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