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Pre school (age 3-4 years)

Pre-school at Westfield has a welcoming and creative atmosphere and there is a constant buzz of purposeful activity. We aim to broade the children's experience, excite their curiosity, encourage their individuality and provide opportunities for them to develop happily in all areas.

A stimulating and engaging environment is provided with a wide range of materials and activities within which each child can explore, experiment, plan and make decisions for themselves.

All aspects of children's learning and development are nurtured, from their personal, social, physical, emotional and creative development, to their language, literacy and mathematical skills. Our indoor and outdoor areas are set up so that the children are encouraged to contribute their own ideas and initiate their own learning, ensuring that the interests and needs of each child are followed along their learning journey in the foundation stage.

At Westfield, we understand that each child is an individual and will join us with their own unique strengths, qualities and experiences. We understand that every child will develop at their own rate and this is especially pertinent at a young age.


The latest from Westfield School

News, events & updates

Community Spirit Award

Community Spirit Award

We were delighted to be nominated for and awarded a St Oswald's 'Community Spirit' achievement. The red carpet ceremony took place at The Grand Hotel, Gosforth Park on Wednesday 12th February.Westfie...

Feb 24

Spring Half Term

Term dates