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Egypt's Got Talent

 I loved Egypt’s Got Talent. Miss King asked us to make our own God or goddess up. My Goddess was called FreyaKanina. Freya is the goddess of love and beauty that I am named after and Kanina is the Nordic name for bunny.  FreyaKanina is the goddess of love healing, singing and dancing my superpower is being able to know when people are feeling sad and need help. I have magical wings so I can fly and get to places quickly to help people. For the talent show, I got dressed up in my costume and I sang my own song to the tune of ‘I had a bad day’. I also danced to the song. Dancing, singing and being creative make me feel happy inside.

By Freya 


A and RK

In History, Lower Two have been learning about Ancient Egypt. Over Teams, we did our own version of “Britains got Talent” with Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses. In the first round we had to present research about a real God, then for the second round we got to be creative and make up our own gods. It was really fun because we got to play a scavenger hunt.  The end result of our findings spelt the word PYRAMID. We all dressed up, including Miss King (‘Cleopatra’) and her daughter (‘Hatshepsut’) who were our judges. It was such fun!  I loved the challenge and how creative we got to be and the experience was really cool. Long story short I LOVED this experience!

Beesan and Elva 





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