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Early Years have had a very busy and exciting week, following our half term break!

One of our themes this half term is “Come and join the celebration”. This topic is a great way to find out about life in the past and also about the different beliefs and cultures in our community and the wider world.


We thoroughly enjoyed learning about Diwali.  The story of Rama and Sita was very exciting and we made brightly coloured Diva lamps to light their way home.  Exploring colour and shape to create Rangoli patterns in our outside area was great fun! 


We continued outdoor artwork of a more permanent nature, painting poppies onto our play house to commemorate Remembrance Sunday. 



Working with Technology Tom was another exciting activity. The girls worked with great concentration to make very impressive windmills.


We will continue to investigate seasonal changes and to talk about our observations as we progress towards the Christmas break.


Our older girls will continue to develop a sound phonic knowledge and we will share a wide variety of books in order to foster a passion for reading and “reading for pleasure”.  Early Years will visit our ‘Little Library’ each Wednesday afternoon with their Big Sisters from Lower 3.   The girls may select a book to share at home.


Our maths work will consolidate understanding of numbers up to 5. There will be opportunities to explore number bonds in a variety of practical situations, to make comparisons and to count on and back. We will be developing our positional language (e.g. in front, behind, on top) and our reasoning about shape.


The girls enjoyed all of our cooking activities last half term, including making bread and pumpkin soup, cooking scrambled eggs and creating pizza faces.  Food technology provides fun, hands-on activities in which the girls learn a great deal of science, technology, vocabulary and maths as well as personal and social skills and fine motor skills. 

 nisha and eva

This will be an exciting and busy half term!




Downloadable Items

Community Spirit Award
14th February 2025

Community Spirit Award

Rotary 'Young Chef' Champion
14th February 2025

Rotary 'Young Chef' Champion

Mr Walker - Fish Hero
14th February 2025

Mr Walker - Fish Hero