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3Transition have been working extremely hard in our Maths lessons so far this term.  The girls are learning their number bonds to 10, and beginning to understand how they help us help us with trickier Maths.  Using the Numicon number frames helps them  to see how the numbers fit together.  


Sometimes we find things a little tricky and have to practice and persevere.  We use different resources to help us understand.


Miss McKeating was delighted that Ava and Rosie chose to work with the Maths equipment to help with their learning.   Ava was practising making teen numbers using the tens and ones counters.  She is learning to count on from 10 to help her with addition.


Rosie was counting to 20 using the bead string to help her. 


Sophie was using her knowledge of number bonds to 10, to show number bonds to 20.

Transition really enjoyed playing a Maths game in pairs.  c

It involved roliing 2 dice and adding the 2 numbers together.  If the total on the dice matched a number/picture on the games sheet, they had to colour in that picture.  If that number/ picture had already been coloured in, they had to miss a turn.  There were lots of turns missed!

The winner was the one with the most pictures coloured.  They had great fun whilst playing the game and some amazing adding took place too.


Oh no, 5 has already been coloured in, so it's... miss a turn!


Adding the numbers on the dice together, by counting on.



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