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In our PSHE lessons we have been learning about relationships and the roles that family and friends play in our lives.  

We  have been talking about how to be respectful, polite and kind.

Reading  'The Gotcha Smile'  together, helped us to share thoughts about the different situations that arose in the story.  


We talked about the kind and unkind behaviour and how it makes others feel. 

In the Autumn term we learned that we are all different, special and unique. 

Diversity Dani, our newest Round Square Hero of Discovery helps us to learn to treat everyone equally and not to discriminate.


Transition thought about how they are going to behave with their friends and how they are going to be 'good friends.'

The girls completed these beautiful friendship flowers.






Transition are going to pass on their 'Gotcha Smiles' and they hope they get 'Gotcha Smiles' back!!

We hope our Friendship display, on our classroom door, will help people to be smiley and good friends.


We have popped something on Mr Drake's office door too!


Community Spirit Award
14th February 2025

Community Spirit Award

Rotary 'Young Chef' Champion
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Rotary 'Young Chef' Champion

Mr Walker - Fish Hero
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Mr Walker - Fish Hero