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At Westfield, we pride ourselves on the variety of lunch choices the girls can make.

All meals are cooked on site by our in-house chefs using fresh, seasonal produce.

There are always choices of hot dishes including a vegetarian option, hot snacks, sandwiches and a salad bar. Fresh fruit, cheese and biscuits or a tempting sweet pudding are always available.

Our chef and catering team know each girl by name, what they usually like and what they don't like and make the lunch time experience a really good one.

All girls from Early Years to Upper Five (Year 11) have school lunch every day and the cost is added to their bill. Many of our Sixth Form girls also choose to eat in the Dining Room although they have the option of bringing in their own food or going out to buy food.



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The Camellia magazine 2024

Click on this link to read 'The Camellia'  A whole school review of the academic year 2023-2024 Articles and quotes from students and staff.

Sep 3

Autumn term 2024 starts for Year 7 and Year 12

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