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Westfield aims to provide a high standard of education to each girl, giving her a sense of worth, whatever her individual strengths and qualities.

Girls are welcome to join Westfield at any stage of their academic life. Westfield welcomes applications from girls of many different backgrounds. All the girls are treated as individuals.  We are not a highly selective school but all applicants are assessed before a place is offered.

Westfield is totally committed to developing each child’s full potential. Our classes are kept to a maximum of 20, enabling teachers to give each pupil the individual attention they need.  

Choosing the right school for your daughter is one of the most important choices you will make.  Please telephone  the School Office on 0191 255 3980  to make an appointment to come and visit our very busy, friendly school.  We would be delighted to welcome you to Westfield.

How to apply/admissions process

The normal process for new entrants is to make an appointment to see the school; if you can't come to our Open Day on Saturday 5th October; to us every day is open day. If you would like to visit the school please give the office a call and we will be happy to arrange an appointment that suits you and your individual requirements.

Once you decide that you would like to make an application for Westfield you would then complete a registration form and we can then make arrangements for your daughter to spend a day with us.

Our usual practice is to invite your daughter to spend a day with the year group she will be entering. For entry into Senior House this day would usually include taking Maths and English tests to help us establish learning levels.

After this day you will receive a formal letter usually offering a place  in Westfield. It is then up to you how quickly you would like to proceed, some girls like to join us as soon as possible, others come at Easter to help settle in before the new year but most girls start in the following September.

The latest from Westfield School

News, events & updates

Community Spirit Award

Community Spirit Award

We were delighted to be nominated for and awarded a St Oswald's 'Community Spirit' achievement. The red carpet ceremony took place at The Grand Hotel, Gosforth Park on Wednesday 12th February.Westfie...

Feb 24

Spring Half Term

Term dates
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